2. Withdraw Funds
Make a withdrawal from an account.
TBD: Narratives
User Interface
Function Description
Item | Description |
Contract Address | Trading contract (referenced by Smart Contract Overview section) |
Contract Name | SLDDAIContract.sol |
Function | function withdraw(uint256 amount) |
Function Selector | 0x2e1a7d4d |
Invocation Type | Ethereum Transaction |
Passing Parameters | Amount of DAIs withdrawn; actual number multiplied by 1E18 |
Return Value | None |
Event Emitted | event DDSWithdraw(address indexed sender, address indexed toAddr, uint256 motageAmount); |
Event Signature | 0x9319767067544c146c859088bc69f38236cad434eb28957e8574a56d4173f89f |
Transaction Sample(BSC testnet) |
ABI Description
Calling Examples
HTTP Request Example
Send a Withdrawal Transaction
(BSC Mainnet) https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
Make a withdraw transaction to Shield Protocol V1 BSC network. More details on how to send a transaction via BSC RPC could be found here, https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/apis/json-rpc/#eth_sendrawtransaction
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | string | "2.0" |
method | string | "eth_sendRawTransaction" |
params | array | the signed transaction data coerced into string array |
id | number | request sequence id, you could use timestamp as id |
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